Silently garrotte your enemies to dispatch them when no weapons come to hand, before (in typical Agent 47 fashion) taking their uniform as a disguise and waltzing around whatever military compound you’re infiltrating in a (not) very convincing ruse. The added characters can perform special abilities that imitate many of Agent 47’s much-loved combat techniques. Released on February 7 and available to download now, the mod introduces six playable Agent 47 character models, with unique skills that ape the stealth gameplay of the Hitman games – letting you play out Hitman’s clandestine assassination fantasy within the unforgiving realism of Arma 3’s military simulation (mil-sim) environment.
New Arma 3 mod Max Hitman has you switch professions for the day, ditching the helmet and camouflage to become the infamous, barcode-headed killer and star of Eidos / Square Enix’s Hitman videogame series.